Fan Club and gallery for Nikki Osborne, star of The Nation (Channel Nine Australia), former late night TV presenter on the Quizmania gameshow and one of Australian television's best looking and talented new stars. It's not Rocket Surgery...
Monday, April 09, 2007
Doo doo doo doo.... Vid Video...
Phantasmal. Watching Quizmania, so you don't need to.
now i know this has no relevant statement in what i am saying and what i am saying makes no sense so ill just continue mumbling to myself some more......ok now ill just say it nikki u rule ur so pretty an insparation to all us young girls (mostly me)omg love you so much xxx
Yeah Nikki is definitely inspirational, she's a good role model for all the young impressionable girls out there, not like all these shallow, spoiled celebs.
P.S: Keep it up Phantasmal, you're totally making the world a better place!
At 9:46 PM,
Phantasmal said…
LOL. So True!
At 7:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
now i know this has no relevant statement in what i am saying and what i am saying makes no sense so ill just continue mumbling to myself some more......ok now ill just say it nikki u rule ur so pretty an insparation to all us young girls (mostly me)omg love you so much xxx
At 7:16 PM,
SXY- - -WELL- - - ME :D said…
nikki ur so awsome i love u so much, ur an insparation to me.
love ya xxx
At 8:30 PM,
Grant said…
Yeah Nikki is definitely inspirational, she's a good role model for all the young impressionable girls out there, not like all these shallow, spoiled celebs.
P.S: Keep it up Phantasmal, you're totally making the world a better place!
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